AFX Firefight K01 Gaming Keyboard

So as I said yesterday I managed to get a gaming mouse and keyboard for under £50.00, well today's post is all about that keyboard. Just like the mouse the keyboard is perfect for beginners and is great quality.

The keys don't seem to be too noisy and just like the mouse it has a paracord cable meaning it looks better and matches my mouse. It also features a setting in which you can have it just the one colour or switching between three. 

My favourite to have it on is the orange as it fits in with the theme with the colour of the mouse and wires, however I do occasionally switch it to the 3 colours. Here are a few images of the different colours.

This is currently at PC World for only £49.99 however when sales occur it can be quite a bit cheaper. As I said above it would be perfect for the younger gamers or people wanting to start up a gaming set up to get into PC gaming.

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See you all later


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