Fifa is basically the one game I have to have on release day. I can spend hours on this playing anything from Women's matches to Manager seasons. It is a game I never get sick of. Honestly I can't remember the first Fifa I got but I have had them all yearly since 2009 when I started saving just for that game. Luckily it comes out just after my birthday so it's a nice treat.
In my eyes the best thing to happen to this game in the past few years is the introduction of the Women's teams I just wish there was more of a variety. The graphics and overall gameplay has developed really well over the years. However I am not too keen on the new penalties as they are much harder haha. I love how you can basically play as any team and make ridiculous transfers you know your club would never make. It really puts you in the driving seat.
I am hoping they develop the game further in the future with additions of more Women's teams as the female game grows, more actual stadiums and maybe by adding in a few different skill games. The skill games to me are great they get you hooked whilst the game loads. There has been plenty of times I have just played the skill games over and over until I get the best score I can. I also hope one day they add the option of a female manager just to add more variety.
Something that is never going to happen but I really wish it did is the introduction of a referee mode. How good would it be to run round throwing out the red and yellow cards and putting your self in the referee's shoes.
So there you have it that is my favourite game series. What is yours? Let me know.
See you later,
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