Last week was a pretty good week, mainly because I finally I have my new PC, I managed to find one on the Fierce PC Halloween sale. I ordered it on Wednesday night and it arrived Friday morning which I wasn't expecting. During the week it was mainly just work then sleep but that all changed on Friday. As soon as I got home from work, luckily on an early finish, I made a start sorting out my set up. It was all stripped back and cleaned (I will do another post on this soon) then it was a case of getting the PC set up and the games installed. So here is what I had ….
Been Watching: All I had watched last week was the football both men's and women's at least Man City women are able to win because the Bradford City men are appalling at the moment. If I wasn't watching football I was watching YouTube, I think an updated favourite YouTuber post will be coming soon.
Been reading : I finally did it, I finally managed to get started on my Carli Lloyd book and so far it is really good. I can't wait to learn more about one of my favourite players.
Been Playing: PS4 wise it has been all Fifa 19, the Xbox hasn't been touched but on the new PC I have played a fair bit of Overwatch, I am trying my best to get back into it and get better. Me and Liam have also started playing Borderlands together.
Been listening to : I had only really been listening to Tegan and Sara last week whilst cleaning. Other than that it was all YouTube videos.
Bought : Obviously I bought the new PC, but I also picked up a little shelf from Ikea for part of my set up.
Plans for this week : I want to start looking into other bits for my setup such as LED lights and I also want to do a bit more cable management. I want to get my little shelf sorted too as I have a few ideas for that. I also want to get a few more games installed on the PC and get a few reviews up on here. If the shelves also get put up in the games room I want to fill those too. It is going to be a cable management week and sorting out week I think.
So there you have it that was my week. What have you guys been up to?
See you soon,