Christmas is very quickly approaching and to be honest when I have been asked what I wanted from family I haven't had a clue, but the ideas I have given them have been 99% practical this year, things I am actually going to use and require which makes a change for me asking for random things just to keep people from asking me again. But then I have also been sat thinking about how I could possibly treat myself for Christmas (or at least in the sales that follow) for a few more geeky items or a few last minute items for those struggling to find those final items. I definitely don't feel like I have truly treated myself this year but if I was to this post is a little wish list of the items I would pick up...
Overwatch for the Switch
One game I truly love is Overwatch if I could I would just play it daily, but unfortunately thanks to our internet the updates take forever so I tend to move away from the game for a bit then always find myself drawn back in. The games room is even full of Tracer items. So if I could pick this up for the Switch at least then I can play the game on the go and get back into playing it as much as possible.
PlayStation Merchandise
Smyths toys currently have some pretty good gaming merchandise gifts available and I have had my eye on a few items for a while now. I love the PlayStation gift box they do for just £14.99 and it finally gets me a PlayStation mug I have been after along with a new glass, you can't ever have too many right? They also do a breakfast set which is also £14.99 but I could see this becoming a weekend essential, a bowl of nesquik, a cup of coffee whilst playing on the PS4 sounds great to me.
I am also on the look out for some PlayStation pyjamas. I found the perfect pair in Tesco but unfortunately they didn't have my size available so lets hope they restock soon. The main reason I want these is for lounging around in on an evening or a weekend. I am hoping that in 2020 I spend more time back on my consoles and producing content & I really want to be comfortable whilst doing so therefore these will be perfect.
Buzz Lightyear Cable Guy
Anyone who knows me knows just how much I love Toy Story so what would be better than Buzz on top of the TV unit holding my favourite controller? I don't know why but I love these Cable Guy's and have even been tempted to pick one up for Liam. Granted I can just keep my controllers on 1 side like I do now but I might as well have somewhere cool to keep them.
I want to make a few upgrades to my PC setup and the main things I want to change are my keyboard & mouse. I currently just have a cheap AFX keyboard and mouse that has definitely served its time and done quite well although the mouse is becoming slightly unresponsive and slow. I would love to pick up some Razer gear for the set up especially anything Chroma.
Tech Accessory Bag
If you read yesterdays post you will know I am looking for somewhere I can keep everything in one place such as memory cards, hard drive and other accessories that could easily go missing in the house or the bottom of my bag. I have seen a few I like on Amazon that range between £10 & £20 so I am hoping to get one at long last and finally get myself organised.
Google Home Mini
This would be a great addition for the spare room where it is going to be a nice relaxing room for me & Liam just to go get ready, listen to music etc. Having a Google Home Mini in here it would mean we could listen to anything we wanted along with been able to check the weather & control the light. We have already got one of these in the games room & the kitchen so we know what we are getting and know we would definitely use it.
Call of Duty Joggers
Finally we have something I am very tempted to pick up before Christmas, some Call of Duty joggers, again these would just be for lounging in whilst gaming or blogging but as they are from Primark I know they are going to be comfortable as all the ones I have previously purchased from there have been. They are reasonably priced to so even better, do I get the hoodie as well though?
There you have it those are some items I may be buying myself for late Christmas presents and actually treating myself if no one surprises me before then. What are you hoping to get for Christmas or what do you want to treat yourself to?
See you soon,