I recently attended my first event through my football blog and it was brilliant but one thing I wasn't keen on was the train journey, it wasn't even a long journey but it felt like it took forever. It then got me thinking about how productive that journey could have been if I took a bag with a few items in and how good future content could be if certain items were brought along. So I sat down and had a little think about what would be in my ideal tech bag for future events & journeys so I can really be more productive and get more content & better content across all my blogs. So here is what I would pack...
Laptop & Charger
I currently use my HP Stream 13.3 inch notebook for all my blogging as it is quite lightweight and at times pretty quick to use. If I took this in my bag I could just sit typing content in the back of the car or on the train. If I can get WIFI where I am too it means I can keep up with emails etc.. and generally just be more productive. I would love to upgrade to a MacBook one day but I think that is a long way off in the future. Plus if I have my laptop with me if it is an overnight stay I can work a bit more or just relax and watch YouTube.
Phone Charger & Power bank
This is a bit of a no brainer really these would be some of the first items packed. I have an iPhone and surprisingly some days battery can last me a pretty long time however, I want to be prepared just in case. Most trains will have somewhere to plug in a charger but if I am in the car a power bank will be really handy, plus it means I can charge other items that may require it on the journey such as my wireless headphones or the Nintendo Switch which will definitely be in the bag.
One thing I want to purchase next year is a Gimbal so I can hopefully improve the quality of the images I take on my phone. A gimbal stabiliser will help keep my phone steady especially whilst taking videos so that should hopefully help up the quality, with me having my football blog now it may help with recording game plays, item reviews and just help record any snippets of events we go to.
Portable Hard drive
I purchased a 1tb My passport hard drive earlier this year but it is currently still in its packaging ready to be used. I could pack this away in my bag and hook it up to my laptop when I need to. One thing that I struggle with is space on my HP laptop so this will definitely open that back up and hopefully make it better to use. If I keep all my files on this then I may finally be able to add some editing software to my laptop meaning I can do even more on it. Another great thing with this is I can put files on here from my laptop and then hook it up to my PC that way I can work anywhere in the house or from the comfort of the games room.
I have had my eye on one of these for quite a while now and it would be the perfect addition to my bag. They are reasonably priced on Amazon and would provide me with a nice safe space to keep everything that could be lost easily together. I can put loose wires in, spare batteries, memory cards and USB sticks in. I could even keep my power bank and hard drive in here too. It would mean things weren't just left in the bottom of my bag and that everything would be together. If everything is always kept in here it would also mean I can check before I go anywhere that I have everything (seen as I always seem to forget things).
This is an item I have had for years and is a little beat up now but if I didn't fancy taking my laptop with me I could always just throw this in my bag. I would love to get one of the latest models as this is probably 6 years old now & is going a little bit slow. I am hoping if I did take this with me I could get some phot editing software on it and could get plenty of editing done whilst I am out and about again just helping me be more productive. Plus if it is a longer journey I could also use this for watching films etc.
Earphones / Headphones
An absolute essential for any journey in my opinion. It means I can watch or listen to anything I want whilst not disturbing anyone around me. It all depends on my mood which I will take with me but I think in the future I may keep a few pairs in my bag just to cover all possibilities. I love my Bliiq earphones so these will always be charged and in my bag but I also want to pick up some wireless headphones for if I want something a little more noise cancelling. Plus my trusty wired iPhone earphones will be thrown in just in case.
Notebook / Diary
I have an A4 notebook I currently use for planning but I think I may reduce this to an A5 one just to have on the go so I can brainstorm ideas, plan content and just jot down any notes I may need to make. You never know when an idea may strike so if I always have a notebook handy I should never forget an idea again. My diary is something I always have with me but barely ever use. This is why content doesn't end up being posted, I forget appointments or I am just generally unorganised, that is why in 2020 I am going to check my diary daily, make weekly to do lists and just become a lot more organised. The notebook and diary will definitely be getting used a lot.
The event I went to for my football blog I just took my iPhone for taking pictures, yes these came out OK but I really wish I actually took my camera and had that option with me, but I forgot. Plus the camera I have currently is a pretty basic one so in 2020 I am looking to upgrade this piece of equipment to something better quality and one where I can change lenses when required just to get the best I can out of the images I take. I just need to get using an actual camera more.
I do have a trip planned up to Scotland in March for my football blog so I think I will definitely have to purchase some of these items or just pack the ones I already have. I will probably start bringing them on any journeys I can and even to work so get ready for 2020, more & better quality content will be heading your way.
Are there any gaming events you would recommend for me & Liam to try head to? Or can you recommend something I need to add to my tech bag?
See you soon