Well September has flown by, it doesn't seem to have lasted two minutes at all which to be honest seems the way the whole of 2020 is going. September saw me returning to work 2 days a week, working on plenty of blogging content for now and the future and it also held my birthday. It has certainly been a busy month will plenty been done, new favourites discovered and old favourites rediscovered. So here are my favourites for the month of September
Film & TV
I seem to have spent any free time in September just watching YouTube and not much else. I have had plenty of content to watch from old favourite channels but I have also discovered some new channels. My go to channels in September all revolved around tech and a little bit of gaming as there has been some fantastic content released recently.
Alex Lahey
I have fallen back in love with Alex Lahey's music recently and just can't seem to get enough of it. Alex is someone I discovered in 2017 and to be honest I hadn't listened to her for a while but now I am not sure when that is going to stop. I love how you can not listen to an artist for a long time but still end up remembering all the lyrics.
I have fallen back in love with Alex Lahey's music recently and just can't seem to get enough of it. Alex is someone I discovered in 2017 and to be honest I hadn't listened to her for a while but now I am not sure when that is going to stop. I love how you can not listen to an artist for a long time but still end up remembering all the lyrics.
Macbook Pro 2020
Of course the Macbook was going to make it onto the list of favourites as September was my first full month with it and WOW I love it. I am using it daily and I don't know if it is psychological but I definitely seem to be more productive these days and I can't wait to really put it through its paces with some future ideas I have got in the works.
Spider-Man PS4
Both me and Liam have been absolutely loving playing through Spider-Man on the PS4 throughout September, we seem to have been playing any spare moment we have had. It is such a good game and we are both looking forward to Mile Morales on the PS5. I don't think I have enjoyed a game this much since Detroit Become Human.
So there you have it those are my favourite things from the month of September. What have you been loving throughout the month?