What We Are Playing (5th February)


Well that is the first of February over and done with and to be honest it has flown by. It has been a mixed week with 2 days in work and a few days blogging and to be honest I lost quite a bit of motivation so hadn't played any games and spent most nights going straight to bed. I am determined that this weekend though that changes and I get plenty of gaming done as I have actually missed just sitting down and gaming for a bit and the motivation seems to have returned a little bit. So here is what me and Liam are planning on playing over the weekend and into next week...


I am determined to get Ben There, Dan That completed this weekend as I have been putting it off for far too long yet it is apparently not that long to complete. Once that is done I am going to jump back into Maneater as I am still dipping in and out of that due to not being able to make my mind up on the game. If I get chance I am going to try install either Lego Hobbit or Super Lucky Tales onto the Xbox seen as I have decided to wait and play through Gears of War Ultimate Edition with Liam. 


I have got really into Red Dead Redemption 2 so I will be continuing my play through of that to make even more progress. When I aren't on Red Dead though I will be jumping back on to World of Warcraft. 

So there you have it those are the games we will be playing this weekend. What will you be playing? 

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