Since the last recent achievements post there has been very little gaming taking place which could have resulted in up unlocking an achievement or trophy however, between us we have picked up a few in the few gaming sessions we have had lately. To be honest neither of us are really bothered about getting 100% on every game although I am getting the itch a bit and find myself looking at trophy lists a lot more often to see which ones I can pick up easily, I honestly think in a few month or over the next year I could very easily end up aiming to get as close to 100% as possible. But for now I am happy enough to just stumble across trophies or achievements so I can get through my backlog a little quicker. So here are the few trophies we have got between us lately...

Liam has been taking his time with his play through of Red Dead Redemption 2 and he finally unlocked the trophy for completing chapter 2. It has been quite fun watching him play this although I won't be playing it myself and fingers crossed he will have unlocked more trophies in this by the time I am writing my next achievements post.
I didn't even know this was a trophy on FIFA 21 so when it popped up it was a nice surprise. I am enjoying playing Squad Battles lately and I didn't realise just how many clean sheets I had kept so far. I am sure there might be more FIFA trophies unlocked soon as we are both enjoying playing it again.
So far in my play through of Bugsnax I have only managed to unlock two trophies and they are very simple ones to unlock. I am slowly edging closer to unlocking a lot more of the trophies and I know there are going to be plenty more being unlocked as I get further through the game and roll the credits on it. I am actually enjoying this game a fair bit and who knows if I am making a lot of progress I could actually end up going for 100% on this game.
Gaming has definitely taken a back seat lately but I am more determined than ever to manage my time better to make the most out of my time with no football to go watch so let's hope the next list is a whole lot bigger. What is your favourite achievement or trophy you have picked up recently?