How has it been over 4 years now since I picked up my ASUS ROG Strix gaming laptop? Those 4 years have certainly flown by and honestly I have to admit I am a bit disappointed in myself as I haven't been using this laptop anywhere near as much as I should have been. In fact it has probably been well over a year since I actually used it due to me starting blogging on my Macbook, I never bought the laptop to blog on so why haven't I been using it for the purpose it was intended for which of course is gaming?
I mainly bought this laptop for whilst I was still living at home and when I was going to Liam's parents every weekend but then a year later we moved in together and that same year I got myself a gaming PC so the laptop got pushed to one side. The laptop was going to help me increase the time I spent playing through my Steam library as my backlog was huge and it meant I could game wherever I was and I could feature more PC content on my site but that didn't go to plan as time was spent working on the new house then life just got increasingly busier and I just kept on neglecting the laptop more and more as time went on. I would occasionally use it to work on blog posts but even that came to an end as I got my Macbook and that is what I started to use daily.
What is annoying me the most is how much this cost me and how little I have actually used it. This cost me just over £1,000 and it is basically sat gathering dust now which is really starting to annoy me as I know that if I just charged it back up and used it once more I could get so much done with it and really prove to myself why I bought it in the first place. There is just a bit of an issues at the moment which is the fact it no longer has a disk drive due to it getting caught and snapping off a long time ago however, how often do we actually use disk drives these days? Plus it is a little on the heavy side compared to what I am used to so do I really want to be carrying it around every where with me? Well if I want to get my money worth and get through more games that is just something I am going to have to deal with. Plus it means I get to play games with the nice RGB keyboard again and the keys that I absolutely loved using previously. I did charge it up to see if it needed updating recently and I noticed that even after all this time the battery life seemed to hold really well and I remember that when I used to play on it previously the battery life held really well so I am hoping that is also still the case.
I am absolutely determined to get back to using it as much as possible as it is about time I got out of it what I paid for it so the first step is getting it all updated so it will hopefully still run to its full potential. Then it is a case of going through my Steam library and working out which games I want to install on the laptop, I know I have a lot of Lego games I want to get through alongside a few indie games so fingers crossed I can run the ones I want to install. I am really hoping that by getting back into using this my backlog will be massively reduced and I can finally get back to buying games in the Steam sale again as I have been banning myself lately.
It is safe to say if I actually started to sit and play on this laptop a whole lot more and used it to its full potential I could easily beat quite a few games by early next year and who knows I could even take it on trips away to extend my playing experience and make every second of gaming time worth it. I have missed playing on this laptop as I used to love just getting nice and cosy and playing away from anywhere and now it is time to start doing that again. Let's get using this more and increase the PC content we are having on the blog as it is slacking lately.