How Did Clearing The Backlog Go In 2021?


I set myself a challenge of 10 games to complete throughout 2021 and thanks to the world reopening a bit more and me returning to work alongside a severe case of no motivation for gaming at quite a few points over the course of the year I ended up falling short of the 10 games. I did surprise myself though as even with all that going on I managed to complete 6 games which is certainly more than I expected especially when I had only complete 4 by the middle of the year. I honestly thought that  I would complete the 4 games and that would be it but I carried on and I ended up completing my 2 favourite games of the year. 

I am definitely making a whole lot more progress through my backlog although I have strayed away from the backlog challenge thanks to some great game sales being on over the course of the year, I have added way more games than the 2 I should have been allowed due to the number of games I actually completed. I just couldn't resist some of the deals I came across though such as The Last of Us 2 for just £9.99. 

Out if the 6 games that I completed this year I am actually quite proud that 2 of them were on the PC as normally that is a format that I neglect. I didn't complete any on the Xbox in 2020 but honestly I expected that a bit as I seemed to focus on my PlayStation throughout the year as you can see by the other 4 games that were complete all being completed on the PS5. My final 2 completed games of the year were Spider-Man Miles Morales & Life is Strange True Colors which are definitely my favourites of the year and they had me gripped for every second of my play through. True Colors just solidified Life is Strange as one of my favourite franchises whilst Miles Morales reignited my love for Spider-Man which has grown massively since I begun playing this game. 

So I didn't quite complete as many games as I wanted to but we will be trying this again for 2022 and there will be a post all about how many games I want to beat coming very soon. I am pleased with how it went this year but I am determined to beat that next year and actually spend more time gaming for a change. I am also hoping to actually stick to my no buying new games rule but with some of the releases we are expecting I think we will have to see how that goes. 

How many games did you complete this year? 

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