Well I tried to be good throughout January when it came to spending money but then I seemed to keep slipping into shops from the middle of the month and I ended up spending a lot more than I expected. To be honest I didn't really need any of these items that I purchased however, they all caught my eye and I just had to pick them up even though I should have really been saving money, but where is the fun in that? So here are the geeky/gaming related items I picked up throughout the month of January...
I had a trip to town and had to call into Pages n Pixels because honestly no trip is complete without calling in there these days. I ended up picking up a comic book blind bag that I had seen them doing on Instagram and for £10 I wasn't disappointed, I opted for the Marvel bag and I can't wait to read what I got.
Whilst in store I obviously had to take a look at what Spider-Man pieces they had in and honestly I could have spent a fortune on so many items but I settled on these two graphic novels this time around. I think I might have to limit myself to one trip a month or 3 Spider-Man pieces a month or things could really end up getting out of control.
We went to our first Ice Hockey game before Christmas and I fell in love with the game more than when I had just watched it on TV. The sport really started to take over so when I saw NHL 22 on offer at Amazon I just had to purchase a copy. Now I can get my Ice Hockey fix anytime I like which is fantastic.
When I picked up NHL 22 I also decided to treat me and Liam to It Takes Two as that was also on offer. It feels like we don't do much just the two of us anymore so I am really looking forward to sitting down and playing this game with him sometime soon. I have heard good things about this game so fingers crossed we both enjoy it.
At long last the new PlayStation controller colours have been released. At first I wasn't too bothered about getting one of these controllers due to the price however, after seeing some of my favourite YouTubers unbox the controllers I couldn't resist and I ended up with the pink version, I do want to get all the others already but for now this one will definitely do the job nicely.
I got the controller from Smyths Toys so I obviously had to take a look at their Pokemon items and I just couldn't resist purchasing this super cute Totodile plush. It is just so cute and will look perfect alongside my other Pokemon plush. It is safe to say the collection is growing and I can't wait too add more in the very near future.
My mum went into Primark and found this Gremlins hoodie reduced to just £7, she asked if I wanted it and of course I couldn't let her leave without it as I love the Gremlins. I was starting to go off printed hoodies but this one I couldn't leave behind as it isn't too in your face like some hoodies that are sold at the moment. For £7 I am happy to just lounge around the house in it.
When my mum found the Gremlins hoodie she also found this Nickelodeon one for £12. As I grew up being a Nickelodeon kid it was to safe this is another one I wasn't going to let her pass up on and I can not wait to get wearing this as it has all my favourite characters on it. I love that more places are doing Nickelodeon merchandise now as I feel I can relive my childhood.
So there you go my saving money didn't really go to plan but I did get some great items even if I didn't really need them. I can't wait to play It Takes Two with Liam and I really can't wait to get wearing that Nickelodeon hoodie. I need to try get saving a bit more in February but I do have at least one pretty good purchase lined up which may just be a new game...