Thanks to me doing my backlog challenge and focusing on playing the games I already own at long last I am definitely behind on the latest release games and honestly I feel like I am missing out with not having played some of the games we have seen released lately especially for the PS5. At the moment I am mainly playing old PS4 games just to clear the shelves a little bit and I haven't been buying games as I have to complete 3 games before buying new just so my new gen console backlog doesn't get as out of control as previous ones. There are certainly some games that are going to be the top of my to buy list and when it comes to the PlayStation my wish list is actually quite reigned in compared to previous ones and luckily thanks to me not buying games straight away I should be able to purchase some of these games a fair bit cheaper than I would have got them on release day. So here are the games that I am hoping to buy very soon for the PlayStation...
Strangely I have never played a Ratchet & Clank game before which even I am unsure on why I haven't as it definitely looks like a game I would enjoy. I have heard pretty good things about Rift Apart so I think once a few more games are out of my backlog it is time to pick this one up and see what it is all about. Fingers crossed I will like it as much as people say I will and that it has dropped a bit more in price by the time I get around to buying it.
Sackboy A Big Adventure
I have always loved the Little Big Planet games and have spent hours playing them in the past, I knew as soon as Sackboy A big adventure was released I would have to pick it up to play through it however, the fact I am trying to get through my backlog has really delayed this. This game seems to be dropping in price and I am hoping that I can pick up a copy in the next few months. This could be a fun game to play alongside Liam too but even playing it alone I am sure I will have loads of fun.
Gotham Knights
When this game was announced I told Liam I was going to be getting it at some point but now as the release date approaches and we get more information about the game I think it is no longer going to be a day 1 purchase but one a bit further down the line when the price is a bit more reasonable however, with me you never know and it could easily be an instant pickup. This game has definitely got me interested and I can't wait to sit and give it a go.
Saints Row
It was actually Liam who got me into the Saints Row games, I never thought I would like them but after his recommendation I finally sat down and gave them ago and thought it was great. When the new game was announced I was originally just going to get this game for Liam but as I am liking the games a lot more these days I think it could easily be a game that both me & him enjoy playing meaning we will definitely get plenty of hours out of the game. I was gutted when this was delayed but I suppose it gives me a bit more time to play the games I already own.
Hogwarts Legacy
I have loved anything Harry Potter related for as long as I can remember and the second this game was announced I told Liam I would be getting it on release day whether it made me break my backlog challenge or not. The more I see bits from the game the more I am excited about it so the release can't come soon enough, I think it might be the game I hint at for Liam to get me for Christmas.
Kena Bridge of Spirits
This is a game that keeps popping up and I keep getting tempted to purchase it but then at the same time I haven't wanted to break my backlog challenge so I have resisted the tempted and instead added it to the to buy list when I get through more games. This game is pulling me in somehow and I don't know why as it doesn't look like a typical game I would play but I think it is about time I gave it a go.
Lake is a game that honestly I don't know much about but thanks to social media I am planning on picking it up if the price drops a bit more. This game definitely looks interesting and a difference to the games I usually play. This could easily be a game I pick up just to jump in and out of rather than spending hours glued to it. This could end up being a nice little treat to myself when I have got through a bit more of my backlog.
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order
I am actually quite annoyed at myself for not already owning and completing these game as I am a huge Star Wars fan. This game is definitely going to be purchased in 2022 though and I am determined to get it completed not long after buying it too as I have been delaying it far too long. I have heard good things about this game so lets hope it lives up to the expectations.
Fingers crossed I can start flying through this backlog so I can start purchasing new games for the PlayStation once again as it has been far too long since my last PlayStation game pick up. I definitely have a lot of catching up to do and let's hope it doesn't take too long to do so as there are some brilliant gaming experiences on this list. But the question is which would you make sure to buy first from this list?