The Goodreads challenge is back


I don't remember the last time I actually read a book, or in fact when I read multiple books in the year. I said earlier in the week in my goals post I want to have more down time however, I don't want all that downtime to be spent playing games, I want some time away from the screen too so the plan is to get reading more. 

I have so many books I need to work my way through so it is about time I make a start on them rather than them sitting on the shelf gathering dust. That is why in 2024 I will be using Goodreads once more and doing the challenge they set every year. I used to love using the app to track what I was reading and reviewing the books, it also helped with suggestions for what to read in the future so I am looking forward to getting back to using this app once more and seeing just how many books I can get through whilst also seeing what types I prefer as opposed to the repeat offenders of types of books I don't like.

For the 2024 Goodreads challenge I will be setting myself the goal of reading 10 books over the course of the year. The plan is to have 30 minutes to an hour before bed just relaxing and reading rather than scrolling through social media for hours on end. This should be a nice way for me to just switch my brain off and is a good alternative to gaming every evening as it means screen time will be reduced.

As I said earlier in the post I have a lot of books sat waiting to be read however, the books I definitely want to read in 2024 are...

Beth Mead - My journey to glory

Sarina Wiegman - What it takes

Leah Williamson - You have the power

Matt Morsia - 24/7 body

How to make friends and influence people

Assassins Creed black flag


One of us is lying

Those are just 8 of the books I already own that I will be determined to get through. As you can see there is a nice mixture on here and if I alternate between the type of book I read I shouldn't get fed up or not love a book as much I should do. These are the definite reads however, I have a lot more books at home just waiting to be read so I should easily be able to work through 10 books if I make the time for reading. 

I am really looking forward to seeing if I can hit the 10 book goal or if I will go beyond that but I guess time will tell in relation to that. I am determined though that I will be reaching for a book more often and not overdoing it in various aspects of life like I have been doing. No doubt you will see plenty of book content over on social media if all goes to plan.

Now let's get working through these books...

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